Friday, March 29, 2013

More altered clothing tag art

Here are more samples of some altered tags using recycled clothing labels, jeans tags, etc.

The little camera was fun to make.  It is made from a broken leather shoe strap, old belt material and bits of hardware.  The "camera strap" is an old bracelet.

These three tags have ribbon from jeans tags.  The camera and cameo tags have fringe made from clothing labels.  I made the beaded fringes.  The roses were made from recycled ribbon and discarded wedding dress material.

Here is another altered tag using wedding dress material.

This is a Crow Fairy image.  The title is "We have 2nite, Who needs 2moro?"  The skirt is made from strips of wedding dress tulle, satin, lace and sheer material dipped in black acrylic paint.  There is also silver ribbon from a jeans tag, black beads that were strung together, and a crow feather or two.  The bodice is leather from an old wallet, with beaded straps and rhinestone button "corsage."

The wings were made from old belt material.  The silver scrollwork was printed on the original tag.  I just added the motto in silver ink.

There will be other mini dresses made from recycled wedding dress material on my next post.  They were inspired by this fabulous blog  Take a look at her miniature dresses.  Just gorgeous.

1 comment:

  1. Your work is very good and I appreciate you and hopping for some more informative posts. Thank you for sharing great information to us. printed textile labels
